Author: Vv.Aa.
The project was carried out in cooperation with Molise Region, ASREM (Health Region of Molise), Comitato Provinciale CONI Campobasso (Italian Olympic Committee). The aim of the project was to prevent and/or counteract the age-related decline in physical and functional aspects of life and promotes an active and correct lifestyle. It has also created the conditions to encourage socialization and physical and mental wellness in adults and elderly.
The chosen age group has been identified with the working age and the early retirement. When the end of working cycle does not coincide with the development of new interests and motivations, it can lead to a progressive decrease of social relations and personal care, with negative effects on health itself.
The increase life expectancy has to be associated with a similar increase of functional autonomy and wellness.
FORMAT: 14X21 | PRICE: £ 10.00 (shipping included)
ISBN 9.788.865.721.162 | 70 pages | December 2013